McGregor Brook

  • Flows east into Smiths Creek, 1 mile north of Sussex.
  • Named for Peter McGregor who had a grist mill ca.1835- 1895.

McKeel Lake

  • In Greenwich Parish.
  • Named for John McKeel, a land grantee there.


  • Ten miles south-west of Sussex. Post office from 1855-1938.
  • Formerly Campbell Settlement; first postmaster was D.K. Campbell.


  • Ten miles north of Hampton. Post office from 1843-1968.
  • The centre of a parish by the same name which attracted a large number of Scots in the early nineteenth century.

West Scotch Settlement

  • 13 miles north of Hampton. Post Office circa 1885-1914.
  • Settled circa 1820 by immigrants from Perth, Scotland.

Craigs Point

  • Extends into Long Reach, Saint John River.
  • John Craig was granted land near it.


  • 11 miles northeast of Sussex.
  • Possibly named by Robert Shives, Emigration Agent at Saint John, whose father was from Scotland.

East Scotch Settlement

  • 16 miles west of Sussex. Post Office circa 1885-1916.
  • Settled 1823 from Perth, Scotland.

Hammond River

  • Seven miles north-east of Rothesay.
  • Settled by several families from Perthshire, Scotland.
  • Post office from 1852-1940.


  • Eleven miles south of Sussex
  • Post office circa 1885-1950.
  • Named for Sir Andrew Snape Hammond, Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia.
  • Settled by several families from Perthshire.